I'm now controlling the layer collision by use of a raycast, and the results are better but not perfect. I cast from about knee level down to a bit past foot level, and if there's a collision there I turn the branches on, otherwise they are off. This does neatly solve the problem of the player banging into the sides of colliders on the down arc of a jump, but it introduces another problem: some of the branches are close enough together vertically that when the player jumps, his head hits the branch above before the ray leaves the branch below, and thus the overhead branch doesn't get turned off. I've tried tweaking the length of the ray but it has to be at least a certain length, otherwise certain slanted platforms have trouble registering and the player falls through.
The best thing to do here is probably to raise the problem branches so that they don't cause as much head-bumpage. It's an interesting lesson in that everything has to react to everything else, the movement mechanisms and the environment design are totally interdependent. Well, it was about time for an art push on this level anyway, so I guess it's not too much trouble to move some tree branches around. Here's the final version of the raycast script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class footShooter : MonoBehaviour {
RaycastHit info;
CharacterController controller;
Vector3 center;
float floorDist;
CapsuleCollider cap;
Vector3 lowCenter;
void Start ()
cap = gameObject.GetComponent();
controller = gameObject.GetComponent();
floorDist = controller.height/3;
void Update () {
center = new Vector3(transform.position.x + (controller.center.x), transform.position.y + (controller.center.y), transform.position.z + (controller.center.z));
lowCenter = new Vector3(center.x, center.y - (controller.bounds.size.y/3), center.z);
Ray footRay = new Ray(lowCenter, Vector3.down);
if ((controller != null) && (cap != null))
if (!controller.isGrounded)
Debug.Log("centre = " + center);
if(Physics.Raycast(footRay, out info, floorDist))
Debug.Log("red ray");
Debug.DrawRay(footRay.origin, footRay.direction*floorDist, Color.red);
Debug.Log("hitting branches");
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(10, 13, false);
Debug.Log("blue ray");
Debug.DrawRay(footRay.origin, footRay.direction*floorDist, Color.blue);
Debug.Log("ignoring branches");
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(10, 13, true);
Debug.Log("controller is NULL");
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