Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Hard Truths of Hardware

Here, on this rocky outcropping, where starving lizard-birds circle above, we shall call an end to the mobile development branch of this project. The controls work well enough for what they are, and you can beat the first level, although the experience leaves a lot to be desired.

Merging the touch controls into the platformer project was educational in a bunch of ways.  First I learned about preprocessor directives, which allowed me to maintain a single version of the project with the same scripts for all platforms. Unity has some cool custom options here, so I was able to create #if MOBILE to enable touch controls for any arbitrary device.

I also found some ways to improve the existing code, for example when calculating movement I was using Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) in every expression, so it was getting called half a dozen times every update. I changed it to call that once at the top of the update, store it in a float, and use that float to do calculations for the rest of the tick. I’m willing to bet that on a modern machine this makes exactly zero difference, but it’s the principle of the thing.

I did find that I had made a few fundamentally good decisions. In the character control script I get input in one place, then immediately abstract it into values like float “velocity” and bool “attackInProgress” and use those to actually do stuff. This made adding a new input scheme really easy because I only had to touch one area of the code to get those initial values right.

The real education, though, was getting under the hood of what it really means to have two buttons in combination with a d-pad style arrow option. The first problem I had was that running (hold green button and arrow) wouldn't work, and I eventually saw that since I had configured both buttons as tap inputs, the game didn't know or care if the green button was being held down. The WebPlayer version reads keyboard keys with both GetButton and GetButtonDown, and has different responses to each, so I needed to expand the touch controls example script to handle both taps and holds for each button. I’ll paste the results at the bottom of this entry.  It took a lot of trial and error and still has some big gaps in functionality. This is apparently a harder problem than I originally thought.

The problem is bigger than just input logic. For example, the run/jump: I found in testing that regardless of how well it worked, the actual gesture the run/jump requires (depressing both green and yellow simultaneously) is awkward at best, I found myself bringing my hand around the device to use forefinger and middle finger, which made my other hand harder to use and just felt wrong.

The run/jump came about because, when messing with basic character movement in the WebPlayer version, I unconsciously knew that there’s nothing more natural on a keyboard than augmenting a letter key with a simultaneous shift key. We sometimes do it Multiple Times in a Sentence. Transpose that motion to a touch screen, and it’s suddenly far less natural. I finally understand how the original NES controller, as clunky as it may look now, was an engineering marvel, affording a wonderfully tactile responsiveness between tap and hold combinations on those two nubs of cheap plastic. Multiple multi-million-dollar franchises owe their existence to the joy that developers were able to wring from that dance of tap-hold, discrete-continuous, now this and that, now that and not this, now both at once, many times a second, and that’s just the player’s right thumb! But I digress.

“Transpose” is an apt word, “translate” also has some truth to it. A flat surface is not a controller, and any control scheme change involves reaching across a conceptual gap, trying to say something that’s not there to say, forgetting how many stairs there are and coming down hard on the landing.

The decision of how far to try and take this was made for me, thank goodness, by a hardware limitation. My pokey old smartphone can only handle two simultaneous touch inputs. That means that if you are running, you can’t jump. This breaks the run/jump, but like I said, executing it isn't much fun in the first place. When I hit that wall, I stepped back for a better look at the project. What was I going for here? This was originally and essentially still is a portfolio piece, playable on a web site, and adding an optional downloadable .apk was just an additional bit of frosting. You’d still need a 3rd party .apk installer to use it, and I don't really expect anyone to do so. It was more a proof of concept to say that I could do that work as well, and I think I've delivered that. I have a little more knowledge and a few more ideas for new projects. I’m very interested in the idea of mobile indie games, and now that world doesn't seem quite so foreign or daunting. I’m happy I took the time, and happier still to be shutting that tangent down in order to wrap the main game up once and for all.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class touchControls : MonoBehaviour {
 //assign 128px textures in inspector
 public Texture leftArrowTex;
 public Texture rightArrowTex;
 public Texture greenButtonTex;
 public Texture yellowButtonTex;
 //consumable button state values
 public bool leftFlag
  get{return left;}
 public bool rightFlag
  get{return right;}
 public bool greenTapFlag
  get{return greenTap;}
 public bool greenHoldFlag
  get{return greenHold;}
 public bool yellowTapFlag
  get{return yellowTap;}
 public bool yellowHoldFlag
  get{return yellowHold;}
 private bool left;
 private bool right;
 private bool greenTap;
 private bool greenHold;
 private bool yellowTap;
 private bool yellowHold;
 private Rect[] Arrows;
 private Rect[] Buttons;
 private Rect leftArrow;
 private Rect rightArrow;
 private Rect greenButton;
 private Rect yellowButton;

 private float sw; //screen width
 private float sh; //screen height
 private float bu; //boxUnit, default box measurement
 private float au; //arrowUnit, default arrow measurement 
 private Vector3 touchPos; //touch input gives us this
 private Vector2 screenPos; //gui rects need this
 private string debugStr;
 private WafhPlayer playscr;
 private int tCount;
 void Start () {
  sw = Screen.width;
  sh = Screen.height;
  bu = 256;
  au = 128; 

  leftArrow = new Rect(0, sh-au, au, au);
  rightArrow = new Rect(au, sh-au, au, au);
  greenButton = new Rect(sw-(au*2), sh-au, au, au);  
  yellowButton = new Rect(sw-au, sh-au, au, au);
  Arrows = new Rect[]{leftArrow, rightArrow};
  Buttons = new Rect[]{greenButton, yellowButton};
  playscr = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent();
  debugStr = "LEFT =" + leftFlag + "\nRIGHT =" + rightFlag
   + "\nGREENTAP = " + greenTapFlag + "\nGREENHOLD = " + greenHoldFlag 
    + "\nYELLOWTAP =" + yellowTapFlag + "\nYELLOWHOLD = " + yellowHoldFlag
    +"\nhaxis = " + playscr.pHaxis + "\nisRunning = " + playscr.isRunning
    + "\nTCOUNT = " + tCount;


 void Update () {
  tCount = Input.touchCount;
  debugStr =" LEFT =" + leftFlag + "\nRIGHT =" + rightFlag
   + "\nGREENTAP = " + greenTapFlag + "\nGREENHOLD = " + greenHoldFlag 
    + "\nYELLOWTAP =" + yellowTapFlag + "\nYELLOWHOLD = " + yellowHoldFlag
    +"\nhaxis = " + playscr.pHaxis + "\nisRunning = " + playscr.isRunning
    + "\nTCOUNT = " + tCount;
 void OnGUI () {
  GUI.Box(new Rect(sw/2-(bu/2), 0, bu, bu), debugStr); 
  GUI.Box (leftArrow, leftArrowTex);
  GUI.Box (rightArrow, rightArrowTex);
  GUI.Box(greenButton, greenButtonTex);
  GUI.Box(yellowButton, yellowButtonTex);  
 void HandleArrows()
  if (Input.touchCount > 0)
   foreach (Rect rect in Arrows)
    foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
     touchPos = touch.position;
     screenPos = new Vector2(touchPos.x, sh-touchPos.y);
      if (rect == leftArrow)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
        left = false;
        left = true;
      if (rect == rightArrow)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
        right = false;
        right = true;
      if (ButtonlessTouch(screenPos))
       if (rect == leftArrow)
        left = false;
       if (rect == rightArrow)
        right = false;
  else //no touches recorded this update
   left = false;
   right = false;
 void HandleButtons()
  if (Input.touchCount > 0)
   foreach (Rect rect in Buttons)
    foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
     touchPos = touch.position;
     screenPos = new Vector2(touchPos.x, sh-touchPos.y);
      if (rect == greenButton)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
        greenHold = false;
        greenHold = true;
        if (touch.phase != TouchPhase.Began)
         greenTap = false;
         greenTap = true;
      if (rect == yellowButton)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
        yellowHold = false;
        yellowHold = true;
        if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
         yellowTap = true;
         yellowTap = false;
      if (ArrowlessTouch(screenPos))
       if (rect == greenButton)
        greenTap = false;
        greenHold = false;
       if (rect == yellowButton)
        yellowTap = false;
        yellowHold = false;
  else //no touches recorded this update
   greenTap = false;
   greenHold = false;
   yellowTap = false;
   yellowHold = false;
 bool ButtonlessTouch(Vector2 screenPos)
  bool buttonless = false;
    (!greenButton.Contains(screenPos) &&
   buttonless = true;
  return buttonless;   
 bool ArrowlessTouch(Vector2 screenPos)
  bool arrowless = false;
   (!leftArrow.Contains(screenPos) &&
   arrowless = true;
  return arrowless;

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Not So Fast Buddy

After posting my touch controls script I was fooling around with it and of course found a huge bug. If you're holding down one of the arrows, and then tap one of the colored buttons, the cube will stop moving. The culpit was the code that set the arrow flags false on touches received outside those flags. This was required to support the fairly standard use case of dragging a finger from one arrow to the other; the first arrow needed to flip off in that case.

The solution I went with was to do another layer of checking on any touch outide the rect we're currently looking at, and if this other touch is on a button, we can ignore it. This way we'll turn arrows off both if you drag a finger into the other arrow, and if you drag that finger out of the arrow area entirely. The only downside here is that a random tap, near the top of the screen for instance, will make both arrows false. But, I might reasonably ask, what were you doing tapping up there anyway, that's not where the controls are... the menu UI elements are already responding OK to touch, so hopefully this won't break those. I guess we'll find out. Anyway, the extra code is here:

bool OrphanTouch(Vector2 screenPos)

bool isOrphan = false;
 //don't count the other arrows for this
 (!greenButton.Contains(screenPos) &&
isOrphan = true;
return isOrphan;

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Touching Story...

I eventually had to throw away my feverish rant about Cookie Clicker, as I felt it contained spoilers for both the video game industry and life Itself, so instead here's what I've been up to Unity-wise these past weeks.

With a few desultory mouse-clicks, I had ported my web-targeted 2d platformer to Android. Well, the appearance of it anyhow. It was still only set up to take keyboard input. No worries though, since the first step was such a breeze, implementing a simple set of onscreen controls should be a similar walk in the park, yes?

Well the first problem, when the touch input examples I copied didn't work, was that I was staring at a phone, one that wasn't responding to input, and I had no access to a debug console. That had to change first thing. 

I spent a good many hours trying to rig up live debugging with various IDEs, sdk versions, phone drivers, and even a third party Android phone Windows driver updater, which informed me that my phone's OS was "not compatible with Windows 8 x64" and since that's what they had at Fry's, even after I asked the guy to look in the back for any Windows 7 machines he might have overlooked, that's what we're rolling with.

After a while Eclipse deigned to recognize my HTC Incredible, which I guess isn't all that incredible anymore, and I started hacking away at it. How could I set up a control scheme that would slot easily into the existing movement controls of the game I was already making? A quick check showed I was moving the player with Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") multiplied by some arbitrary speed value, so I was looking to replicate, with these two touchable arrows, a continuum between -1 and 1, which is what GetAxis("Horizontal") gives you.

So I pictured a finely grained number line clamped at -1 and 1, and set about adding or subtracting tiny numbers to and from it, with lots of little special cases like snapping it to zero when you switch directions, and letting the value drift back toward zero when not being touched. I eventually had to start learning about touch phases, but that took a while to sink in.

My first pass was full of very long functions full of if trees calling for specific global variables not mentioned elsewhere in the function, just a god awful mess, pure flailing.

Second pass was attempting to extend the Rect class as a custom UI object (lol why I dunno). This lead me to learn what Sealed means, and got a slightly better understanding of "the Unity Way", which involves hanging scripts and components on GameObjects like baubles on a Xmas tree, so I was going about the whole thing backwards. The problem with this was that the Rects in which I was drawing the textures only existed as concepts, created by a few OnGUI.Box calls, nothing you could click on in the Inspector. The Xmas tree only gets put up at runtime, so anything you want to hang on it also has to be defined and described in script.

Eventually I had painted myself into a corner. I'm finding as this goes on that one of the important skills to master (and boy can this ever be generalized) is understanding when you're at the end of a first draft and can, not set aside or abandon that work, but tape it up to the wall or throw it onto another monitor and refer to it when building your second draft, trying to incorporate its strengths while paring out its flaws. Iteration.

I started over and thought in bigger picture terms about what the thing was trying to do. I remembered one of the lessons from a videos I watched: when you're trying to perform a complicated operation, if you spend the right amount of time and effort figuring out what your individual functions should each be and do, the actual guts of any of them turn out to be not so complicated. Organization. 

Unfortunately the third attempt quickly accumulated a bunch of variables and calculations that rightly should belong elsewhere, so eventually it had to be scrapped as well. I approached the fourth draft with a flinty-eyed stare. There would be four public bools, readable but not writeable by any and every class who cared to use them. Each bool would correspond to one UI button, and the bool would indicate whether right now, at this moment, that button is receiving something that we want to interpret as a touch. All this class does is sort through all the touches by phase and turn those bools on and off as needed. Here it is:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class touchControls : MonoBehaviour {
 //assign 128px textures in inspector
 public Texture leftArrowTex;
 public Texture rightArrowTex;
 public Texture greenButtonTex;
 public Texture yellowButtonTex;
 //consumable button state values
 public bool leftFlag
  get{return left;}
 public bool rightFlag
  get{return right;}
 public bool greenFlag
  get{return green;}
 public bool yellowFlag
  get{return yellow;}
 private bool left;
 private bool right;
 private bool green;
 private bool yellow;
 private Rect[] Arrows;
 private Rect[] Buttons;
 private Rect leftArrow;
 private Rect rightArrow;
 private Rect greenButton;
 private Rect yellowButton;

 private float sw; //screen width
 private float sh; //screen height
 private float bu; //boxUnit, default box measurement
 private float au; //arrowUnit, default arrow measurement 
 private Vector3 touchPos; //touch input gives us this
 private Vector2 screenPos; //gui rects need this
 private string debugStr;

 void Start () {
  sw = Screen.width;
  sh = Screen.height;
  bu = 256;
  au = 128; 

  leftArrow = new Rect(0, sh-au, au, au);
  rightArrow = new Rect(au, sh-au, au, au);
  greenButton = new Rect(sw-(au*2), sh-au, au, au);  
  yellowButton = new Rect(sw-au, sh-au, au, au);
  Arrows = new Rect[]{leftArrow, rightArrow};
  Buttons = new Rect[]{greenButton, yellowButton};
  debugStr = "LEFT =" + leftFlag + "\nRIGHT =" + rightFlag
   + "\nGREEN =" + greenFlag + "\nYELLOW =" + yellowFlag;


 void Update () {
  debugStr = "LEFT =" + leftFlag + "\nRIGHT =" + rightFlag
   + "\nGREEN =" + greenFlag + "\nYELLOW =" + yellowFlag;
 void OnGUI () {
  GUI.Box(new Rect(sw/2-(bu/2), sh/2-(bu/2), bu, bu), debugStr); 
  GUI.Box (leftArrow, leftArrowTex);
  GUI.Box (rightArrow, rightArrowTex);
  GUI.Box(greenButton, greenButtonTex);
  GUI.Box(yellowButton, yellowButtonTex);  
 void HandleArrows()
  if (Input.touchCount > 0)
   foreach (Rect rect in Arrows)
    foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
     touchPos = touch.position;
     screenPos = new Vector2(touchPos.x, sh-touchPos.y);
      if (rect == leftArrow)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
        left = false;
        left = true;
      if (rect == rightArrow)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
        right = false;
        right = true;
     else //touches recorded outside this rect turn it off
      if (rect == leftArrow)
       left = false;
      if (rect == rightArrow)
       right = false;
 void HandleButtons()
  if (Input.touchCount > 0)
   foreach (Rect rect in Buttons)
    foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
     touchPos = touch.position;
     screenPos = new Vector2(touchPos.x, sh-touchPos.y);
      if (rect == greenButton)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
        green = true;
        green = false;
      if (rect == yellowButton)
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
        yellow = true;
        yellow = false;

the concept behind the two main sort of mirrored functions is that we want to record touches on the arrows if we are in any phase except TouchPhases.Ended, and we want to record touches on the buttons only if we are in TouchPhases.Began. This gives us the desired behavior where you can press and hold the arrows for continuous input, but the buttons must be tapped.

Here's the script on the cube in the middle of the screen that moves and shoots smaller cubes, as an example of how the flags are used. In both cases of course you'd have to set up your assets in the inspector.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class moveCube : MonoBehaviour {
 private touchControls hud;
 private Vector3 cubeUpdate;
 private int vroom;
 public GameObject zapFab;
 private GameObject zapClone;
 private float nextCubex;
 private float recoilTimer;
 private float recoilCap;
 private float haxis;  //horizontal axis buckent
 private float haxunit; //unit for altering teh bucketprivate bool justShotFlag;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start () {
  hud = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<touchControls>();
  vroom = 50;
  //justShotFlag = false;
  haxunit = 0.1f;
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update () {
  haxis = Round(haxis);

  if (hud.greenFlag){
  if (hud.leftFlag)
    if (haxis > 0){ haxis = 0; }
    haxis -= haxunit;   
  if (hud.rightFlag)
    if (haxis < 0){ haxis = 0; }
    haxis += haxunit;   
  if (!hud.rightFlag && ! hud.leftFlag){
    if (haxis > 0) {haxis -= (haxunit);}
    if (haxis < 0) {haxis += (haxunit);}
  //clamp haxis at ends
  if (haxis > 1.0f){haxis = 1.0f;}
  if (haxis < -1.0f){haxis = -1.0f;}
  //clamp haxis to zero at very close values to avoid stutters
  if (haxis > 0 && haxis < 0.001f){ haxis = 0;}
  if (haxis < 0 && haxis > -0.001f){ haxis = 0;}  
  //move cube
  nextCubex = transform.position.x + haxis*vroom;
  if (nextCubex > 486.0f){ nextCubex = 486.0f;}
  if (nextCubex < -486.0f){ nextCubex = -486.0f;}
  cubeUpdate = new Vector3(nextCubex, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
  transform.position = cubeUpdate;  
 void OnGreen()
  zapClone = Instantiate(zapFab, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
 float Round(float num)
  float rum;
  rum = Mathf.Round(num * 1000)/1000;
  return rum;

OK, now we have a crude sort of Zaxxon clone, with no enemies, but we've demonstrated the touch input setup, so we're ready to integrate this with our platformer, right? We can set this demo aside, correct? Damn, I forgot how fun Zaxxon is... even without any bad guys it's kind of awesome... I mean how long would it take, really, to plug in a few columns that explode when you shoot them, maybe an enemy or two... in fact, I think I may have some innovative ideas that could advance the whole Zaxxon-like genre... I could always jump back to the platformer any time... This is like that part in the novel writing process where you start getting all these amazing ideas for other novels. Discpline, they say, is its own reward. We'll see.